We’ve gotten this question a couple times, so it’s worth addressing.
First of all…
There aren’t any other films on circumcision on the scale of American Circumcision.
There have been others who’ve talked about making a film on this subject, but none have delivered. The closest was made nearly 10 years ago (by a friend of the director of American Circumcision, who we’re happy to promote). But none of the others are even shot in HD.
Second, those previous films explore the circumcision debate where it was several years ago.
American Circumcision about the modern circumcision debate.
American Circumcision is about where the debate is now. We explore the modern Intactivist movement, interview current members of the AAP, and show new footage of the procedure.
American Circumcision is the most comprehensive film on circumcision ever made.
Other films have covered aspects of circumcision – Judaism, the history, parents decisions – but none have really explored the full issue in modern times.
American Circumcision explores the full issue from both sides.
This is the first film to have both major Intactivist and pro-circumcision voices debating and confronting each other in the same media.
There are historical events in the circumcision debate that can only be seen in this film.
Here are a few sequences you’ll see in American Circumcision:
- Footage of the historical San Francisco MGM ballot initiative, including footage from the protest outside the court house the day that ballot initiave was decided.
- Interviews and protest footage with the late Jonathon Conte. (Why is Conte significant? Find out here.)
- A deeper exploration of the studies on HIV & Circumcision then any other media outlet has done. We interview the authors those studies, their critics, and go into the science.
- The story of Marilyn Milos and the history of the Intactivist movement.
- The story of Edgar Schoen, the motivations of Brian Morris, and the pro-circumcision response.
Plus a many other surprises you’ll have to see the film to discover. (Seriously – I could fill a page up with the list.)
Some of these stories are known to those involved in this debate. But the world does not know. We’re going to bring those stories to mass audience with a higher production value and storytelling ability then any previous film.
We’re also going to release many extended and full interviews in our special features.
If you are an activist, educator, birth or medical professional, or even just a potential parent, this film is going to be invaluable.
American Circumcision is already shot.
We’re in post-production. We will ship.
Our Kickstarter launches Oct 24. Subscribe to our email list here to keep up with the film.