Stills Stills from the feature-length documentary American Circumcision: Intactivist protest outside the US capitol building. The circumstraint, a device babies are strapped down to when circumcised. Baby in bassinet Baby in bassinet. Intactivist protester holds “First Do No Harm” sign, with blood-stain symbol. Jewish Intactivist Brian Levitt protests outside San Francisco Male Genital Mutilation bill court decision. Former nurse Marilyn Milos holds a circumcision device called a gomco clamp. Marilyn Milos, RN, Founder of NOCIRC John Geisheker, JD LLM, Executive Director of Doctors Opposing Circumcision Edgar Schoen, MD, chair of the 1988 American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision Ron Low, founder of TLC Tugger, explains how to use one of his foreskin restoration devices. Jonathon Conte, Bay Area Intactivists Intactivist sign outside the US capitol building. Child holds Intactivist sign at Genital Integrity Awareness week in Washington, D.C. Main title card. Other stills: Brendon Marotta, director of the film American Circumcision, holding his best documentary award at the Lone Star Film Festival. Brendon Marotta hangs out with an interview subjects kids at an Intactivist protest on the capitol lawn in Washington DC. Brendon Marotta directs the dramatization that opens the film American Circumcision. Behind the scenes filmming the dramatization that opens American Circumcision. See our full press kit here. For more from our film subscribe here.