Thank you to all our backers for contributing to our Kickstarter campaign and helping to make this film possible! Here are a few who we’d like to thank publicly for supporting us:
Melinda Springer
INTACT Wichita Falls
Evan Roman
Reggie Talley
Anna Moore
Brittany, Utah chapter of The INTACT Network/Saving Our Sons
Sam Dicker
Ian A Tompkins
T. O. McBride
Joshua Carter
Jet Kimchrea
Andreas Ooka
Ozzy Ellis
Jimmy Bui
Brian McLean
JO Koumouitzes
Lori Lappin
Lauren Arrow
Christopher Carrion
Dr Avi Sznejman
J.G. te Molder
Hannah Wallen
Iris Waters
Gary Costanza
SAMACY (Sam Ogden and Macy McKenny)
Nicholas Wauthier
Jim Elkouri
Matthew Shipley
Brandy Kincaid
Alex Ryan
Kyle Smith South Africa
Timothy Quick
Sarah Wiebenson
Eran Sadeh
AK Barnard
Shelley Wright-Estevam & Smily Estevam
Hans Castorp
Craig B. Adams
Greyson Butler
Thank you again to everyone who contributed to our Kickstarter. We can’t wait to bring you the film.
Note: For those who’ve asked, this is just the backers who claimed a “Public Thanks” reward. Those of you who are getting your name in the credits will receive that when we’re closer to launch.
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