We are entering the final days of our Kickstarter. We’d really like to hit our stretch goals.
Here is a way we’ll reward you for helping:
If you get 3 friends to contribute 20$ or more to our Kickstarter, we’ll give you a reward.
- The first five to do this get 100$ store credit at TLC Tugger (NSFW, foreskin restoration device company).
- The next fifteen get a free t-shirt and bracelet. (If you’re in the first five, and you want to claim this reward instead of TLC Tugger store credit, just let us know. Note: you’ll have to pay shipping if outside the United States.)
- EVERYONE who does this will get special thanks on our blog.
How To Claim Reward: Contact us here. Send your name and your three friends names as they appear on our Kickstarter.
Rules: You can’t give us a name that has ALREADY contributed to the Kickstarter. These have to be new people who haven’t yet contributed. We have the current backer list saved, so we’ll know if you try any funny business to make an old name seem new.
Each friend’s contribution to be at least 20$. More than that is welcome. The name you give us has to match the name they contributed under on our Kickstater. Rewards must be claimed here. First come, first reward.
The goal of this is to spread this film, and this message to NEW people.
Our hope has always been that this film would cause people to talk about the issue in real life.
Well, now is a chance to start doing that.
We’ve given you trailers, memes, stories, and interviews with which to spread the word.
Each of you knows three people who might be interested in this film.
Let’s start the conversation.
Act now. Time is running out.
Contribute here.